(Beginner, JLPT4)
10m videos
English softsub
Fairy tale
This channel tells fairy tales and old stories from japan. Every video show the entire text and has accompanying images for better understanding. There is some vocabulary related to old japan , but she puts the meaning on the video.
基本的には日本語教師のための動画です。 「日本語の本を読みたいんですけど、どんな本がいいですか」と言われたときに、紹介していただけると嬉しいです。 英語動画は自分の英語学習のために作っているものです。 英語を母語とする学習者のみを対象としておりません。 悪しからずご了承ください。 I am an active Japanese language teacher. This is a channel for those who are teaching or learning Japanese. When your students say, "I'd like to read a Japanese book for more self-study." I'd like you, Japanese teachers, to recommend them this channel. "N5 Level" means that the video is suitable for the learner who has learned all of N5 level grammar and vocabulary, not for 0 level learners. Please enjoy learning Japanese.